Hi. I'm going to teach you how to get to the Blindingsnow on aqw. All you have to do is join northlands. Then you have to talk to Nythera and accept the second one. I think it's I rather sneak. Accept the quest. Keep fighting monsters and stuff. When you get up to the last quest, you have to do the door code. You just hav to make the number as same as the ancient code. Then as soon as it works, vs the Draconian and call Nythera. Then you have to vs Aisha's Drake. When you have done that, goto Kingcoal. Accept the girls quest and keep attacking the Ice monsters. In the last quest, you have to go inside the Kings mouth. Talk to him and Play Doctors. Defeat the Germs until it says go to the next room. After you keep on doing that, you will find a boss. Kill it. Then make your way down the hole and back to the Old Kingcold. Now you finished the Old Kingcold. Now write /join Blindingsnow then press Enter. Now accept the guys qust. I think you have to click on these chests. Then go back to Northlands and talk to the person in the pink jacket. Get this code thing and go back to the guy in blindingsnow. Talk to him and finish the quest. When you have finished the quest, do the other ones. When you are up to the Chaos Gemralds, you might see a cutscence. ATTACK THE CHAOS GEMRALDS!!(Good training) After, defeat Nythera and TADA!! You have made it to Blindingsnow and finsihed it too!
I will have more walkthroughs.
You look cool as!!!!! Jose Dzireh Chong